Medical Aid & Insurance for foreign students, academic year 2024-2025

Only emergency medical assistance (acute illnesses, conditions, exacerbation of chronic life-threatening diseases) is provided free of charge to foreign nationals in the territory of the Russian Federation.

For emergency medical care please contact the HSE First-Aid Stations or call:

Call from a cell phone - number 112 or 103

Call from a fixed telephone - number 103

The ambulance service has an English speaking operator. After the first emergency treatment, it is necessary to continue the treatment under the VHI policy.

Clinics with English-speaking staff

Take note that the American Medical Centre and European Medical Centre in Moscow cooperate with many international insurance companies, including BUPA International, Allianz WorldWide Care, and CIGNA International. They can also provide treatment by English-speaking personnel. If you do not know which hospital to apply to with your medical insurance, try AMC or EMC.

American Medical Center (AMC)
Address:129090 Moscow,Prospekt Mira 26, building 6 (entrance from Grokholsky Pereulok)
Phone:+7 (495) 933-77-00

European Medical Center (EMC)
Address: 123104, Moscow, Spiridonievsky pereulok 5, bld.1
Phone: +7 (495) 933-66-55 - multiline, +7 (495) 933-66-45 - emergency

You also may apply for medical services on payment basis to:

Medical Center GVM International
GVM International provides treatment by English-speaking personnel and offers a translator Russian-English.
Address: 121099, Moscow, 1st Smolenskiy per., 7
Phone: +7 (495) 120-79-61

Medincentre of RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address: Moscow, 4 th Dobryninskiy pereulok (sidestreet), 4,metro station Dobryninskaya
Phone: +7 (499) 237-17-06 (English-speaking staff)

​​​​​​​Medical Documents Required for Foreign Nationals for Admission to HSE Dormitories

Medical Documents Required for Foreign Citizens for admission to HSE Dormitories and Level Amur Residential Complex , hotel "Sevastopol" and "Student Accommodation Center"

In accordance with the "Internal Regulations of the HSE Student Dormitory", in order to move into a dormitory/residential complex a student must have:

Important! If a medical certificate 086/ or MODF or dactocard is not available, the above documents must be presented within 30 calendar days from the date of check-in at the dormitory. Prior to obtaining the above medical documents, a student must present a certificate of absence of tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis B with a therapist's note that there are no contraindications for living in the dormitory with notarial translation into Russian (the certificate is valid for 6 months).

Trainees are citizens of the Republic of Belarus; foreign citizens who have a residence permit, temporary residence permit or temporary residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation:

Important! MHI policy is issued from the registration date until the end of the calendar year and requires annual renewal.

Choose an insurance program

When you choosing an insurance program, pay attention to:

consultations and treatment from a physician and medical specialists;

doctor's visit at home;

calling the ambulance at home, emergency hospitalization;

basic instrumental studies: X-ray, ultrasound, functional and endoscopic diagnosis;

basic laboratory tests;

basic therapeutic and surgical dentistry.

Voluntary Health Insurance (VHI) Program Options for International Students for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

The standard VMI policy is a "risk" insurance policy that covers the treatment of chronic diseases only in the acute stage.

To dynamically monitor chronic conditions and obtain a prescription for medication, you must:

International students who live in the HSE dormitories can be served in the city's policlinics through the Department of Paid Services, or in the medical institutions listed on your health insurance policy.

Insurance company

Insurance premium (per calendar year / 6 month), RUB

& Insurance coverage (IC) for 1 year/ 6 month, RUB

Contact the insurance company

LEXGARANT" Insurance Company LTD



You can apply for insurance/pay the policy online:

3. In our sales office:

Moscow, Maly Zlatoustinsky per., Building 10, bldg. 2, room 112 (M. Lubyanka, M. Kitay-Gorod)

Working hours: Mon-Fri: from 10:00 to 18:30

Possibility of remote and online registration of a medical policy.


Tel: +7 (495) 933-80-80 (Russian or English)

WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram + 7 (903) 508-4627

Policy 6 000 ₽ (Moscow + Мoscow Region)/ -

7 000 ₽ (Russia) / 4 900 ₽

IC 1 100 000 ₽ /1 100 000 ₽

Policy 4 000 ₽ (Moscow + Мoscow Region)/ -

5 000 ₽ (Russia) / 3 500 ₽

IC 1 000 000 ₽ /1 000 000 ₽

Оutpatient care service

Primary health care in an emergency: in case of acute pain, accident, injury, poisoning and other urgent conditions

House calls (to dormitories) within MKAD ring road, to Odintsovo and VNIISSOK

At the place of registration, as part of the program

Primary health care in an emergency: in case of acute pain, accident, injury, poisoning and other urgent conditions

Ambulance services - within MKAD ring road, to Odintsovo and VNIISSOK

Emergency dental care

Acute dental pain

Medical evacuation / repatriation of remains

(including costs of return of family members)

Repatriation of remains

Once during the insurance period






You can apply for insurance/pay the policy online:

1. QR:

2. by link:

3. КBuy policy in our sales office:
Moscow, Suschyovskiy val, 31/1, office 214, metro station "Maryina Roscha" or "Savyolovskaya"

Business hours:
Mon-Thu – 09:30-18:00
Fri – 09:30-17:00
Saturday, Sunday are days off.

You can visit a doctor right after buying a policy. Medical center is in the same building. Foreign students have direct entrance to the clinic (without an additional call to the call centre).

Tel.: +7 (495) 137-85-31, +7 (925) 011-48-82
Vladimir Eduardovich

You can pay for the policy:
- by any bank card issued in any bank of the Russian Federation
- in cash (if you buy insurance at the office)

After payment, the student receives a set of documents by e-mail (e-policy + insurance program + instruction).

The medical center is located 20 meters from the sales office.

Maximum convenience: you make an appointment with the doctor yourself (no need to get approval, referral or letter of guarantee from the insurance company).

Рolicy 6 400 ₽ / 4 800 ₽

6 100 ₽ - discount price only for students renewing ENERGOGARANT policies for a new period

IC 6 200 000₽ / 6 200 000₽

Рolicy 5 600 ₽ / 4 250 ₽

IC 6 200 000 ₽/ 6 200 000 ₽

Рolicy 3 900 ₽ / 2 730₽

IC 6 200 000 ₽ / 6 200 000₽

Оutpatient care service

You have direct access to the medical center (no need to get approval, referral or letter of guarantee from the insurance company).

Medical center specializes in providing services to students.

Ambulance services - within MKAD ring road, to Odintsovo and VNIISSOK

House calls (to dormitories) within MKAD ring road, to Odintsovo and VNIISSOK

Emergency dental care

Within the amount of insurance coverage

700-1000 ₽ (if the vaccine is available)

free, no restrictions

VSK Insurance House




You can apply for insurance/pay the policy online:

1. QR

The process of buying a policy online will take 5-10 minutes. Payment is made by bank card of any payment system issued by a Russian bank.

The policy is issued and takes effect from the date of payment.


Phone: +7-929-906-60-07
Business hours:

Monday-Thursday: 09:30 am – 6:00 рm, Friday: 09:30 am – 5:00 рm, closed on Saturday and Sundays

7 000 ₽ / 5 500₽*

IC 4 000 000₽/ 4 000 000₽

6 000 ₽ / 4 800 ₽*

IC 4 000 000₽/ 4 000 000₽

4 000 ₽ / 2 800 ₽*

IC 4 000 000₽/ 4 000 000₽

Оutpatient care service

You have direct access to the medical center (no need to get approval, referral or letter of guarantee from the insurance company).

Medical center specializes in providing services to students.

House call – within 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road (includes Odintsovo)

Ambulance services - within 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road (includes Odintsovo)

Emergency dental care

medical evacuation and post-mortem repatriation services

(within the amount of insurance coverage)

once during the insurance period

additional payment 300 ₽

LLC (OOO) Russian insurance company "EUROINS"



"STADARD 7500"


"STADARD 6000"


"STADARD 4000"

Information for registration of a medical policy:

• Last name, First Name, Patronymic (if any),
• Date of birth (if under the age of 18, full name, date of birth, series and passport number of the parent).
• Citizenship
• Passport series and number
• The series and number of the migration card or visa, if any.
• The actual address of residence in the Russian Federation.
• Phone number (RF), e-mail.
• The cost of the selected program.

You can apply for insurance/pay the policy online:

2. WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram т. +7 (903) 510 59 13

3. In our sales office:(cash and card payments):

The original can be picked up at any convenient time at the company's office at the address:

Moscow, Vorontsovskaya ul. 35Б, bld. 2, entrance 2, 6th floor, office 623 (metro station Proletarskaya or Krestyanskaya Zastava)

weekdays - from 10 to 18,

Sat, Sun - day off.


Fomicheva Tamara Ivanovna,

Tel. +7 (903)510-59-13

The policy may be paid online, in cash or by bank card.

7 500 ₽

5 800 ₽

4 000 ₽

Outpatient care service

IC "Standard 7500" - 2 800 000 ₽

IC "Standard 6000" - 2 500 000 ₽

IC " Standard 4000" - 2 000 000 ₽

within the limits of the insured amount

House calls (to dormitories) within MKAD ring road, to Odintsovo and VNIISSOK

No more than 2 times during the contract period

the duration of treatment is no more than 16 days

the duration of treatment is no more than 14 days

Emergency dental care

within the limits of the insured amount

IC "Standard 7500/6000 "- 200 000 ₽

IC "Standard 4000"- 150 000 ₽

once during the insurance period

Not included in the insurance program

Not included in the insurance program

once during the insurance period

(if the vaccine is available)

Not included in the insurance program

6000 ₽ once. At the same time, the following is excluded from the program: issuance of a certificate on form 086 / y, blood test for HIV, hepatitis, certificate for physical education

Not included in the insurance program




You can apply for insurance/pay the policy online:

1. QR


Tel.: +7(926)048-89-29 (WhatsApp, Telegram)

To enter into an insurance contract, you must submit an application in electronic form at the link above or write to e-mail:

. The insurance policy is issued and comes in effect on the day when the application is made.

Remote registration of a medical policy with payment by ANY Russian bank card.

BONUS PROGRAM! (get discounts for recommendations)

13 000 ₽ / do not provide

Оutpatient care service

42 commercial clinics. The number of diseases per year is not limited. Number of requests — 2 for each disease

House calls (to dormitories) within MKAD ring road, to Odintsovo and VNIISSOK

4 requests per year

42 hospitals, including the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NMHC named after N.I.Pirogov " of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Clinical Hospital" of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Hospitalization in SMALL wards for a period of no more than 15 days – 1 case; 3 ambulance calls

Emergency dental care

Acute dental pain

medical evacuation and post-mortem repatriation

once during the insurance period

once included in the program for FREE

Telemedicine (online consultations)

The number of requests is unlimited during the year. Russian-speaking doctors

Including a PSYCHOLOGIST and other specialized specialists

Accident insurance. Risks: death and injury.

additional pay - 1 5000 ₽

The amount of insurance coverage for each risk is 150,000 ₽