Planning Fees

The following fees are effective January 2023. Fees must be paid prior to commencement of application processing.

Subdivision Applications:

Application fee for one or two lots (new titles) is $1,210 with each additional lot $307.00.
A Separation of Title application is $550.00, regardless of the number of lots (new titles) involved.

Endorsement of a Subdivision

The endorsement fee is $147.00 for each lot being created in a subdivision plan. Reserve lots, public utility lots, and common property within a bare land condominium are excluded from any endorsement fees.


New Neighbourhood Area Structure Plans (NASP) and Industrial Area Structure Plans (IASP)

Application fee is $6400.00 for each quarter section or part thereof.

Amendments to Neighbourhood Area Structure Plans (NASP), Industrial Area Structure Plans (IASP) or Area Redevelopment Plans (ARP):

Major Amendment: Application fee is $4800.00

Minor Amendment: Application fee is $2400.00

Amendments to a Major Area Structure Plan (MASP):

Major Amendment: Application fee is $5120.00
Minor Amendment: Application fee is $1920.00

Amendments to the Municipal Development Plan (MDP):

Application fee is $4,000

Amendments to the Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) Amendment:

Application fee is $5120.00

Amendments to the Neighbourhood Planning and Design Standards or Industrial Area Planning Guidelines and Standards:

Application fee is $2000.00

Amendments to the Land Use Bylaw (LUB)

Major Amendment: Application fee is $3328.00

Minor Land Use Bylaw Amendment: Application fee is $832.00

Telecommunications Applications

Application fee is $2662.00

Notes regarding all fees: